Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How do you find the strength to forgive?

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How can we find the strength to forgive? We can find the strength to forgive when we understand human nature, and that our nature compels us to be the way that we are. It is written about this, “Go to

What is my role in my nature?

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We all live within a nature that is round, closed, whole and complete, with endless degrees and interactions and interconnections between its parts. We are parts of this immense system and cannot digest its wholeness, greatness, perfection and eternity. However,

Beyond Gun Laws

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The carnage at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, reignited the debate around gun laws and the Second Amendment, especially since it came only ten days after another mass shooting at a Tops Friendly supermarket in Buffalo, New York. There

When Robots Take Our Jobs

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What will we do when robots take over our jobs? In many areas of the labor market, this is already the case. From cashiers to lawyers, computerized machines are replacing humans at an alarming rate that is only accelerating. It

Waving the Flag of Jewish Unity

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Jerusalem is a city like no other, there is a constant source of tension about its sovereignty. So, an event such as the Flag March, which celebrates the city’s 1967 reunification, drew requests from both the U.S. Administration and the

Where will love take you? To what extent will it influence people?

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If you start loving and caring about everyone and everything in nature—the still, vegetative, animate and human—according to the law of love, then you will see the immense influence it will have. First, you will receive great satisfaction through everyone

What is a meaningful interaction?

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A meaningful interaction is any interaction where we consider: Why is it happening? What is its source? What is the desired outcome? By relating as such to our interactions, we would start moving in a direction where we start thinking

The Price for Adopting a Victim Mentality

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A person with a victim mentality tends to feel as a victim of the hurtful actions of others. While some people have in fact been victims of wrongdoing, developing a victim mentality means that they become fixated on blaming their

What are your solutions to the overconsumption problem?

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We need balance between us and nature. We need to take care of our necessities—to kill animals for food, and burn coal, oil and gas in order to reasonably use mechanisms, equipment and heating. We cannot avoid doing so. We

What Can Make Us Caring

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The events of the past few months, and in fact, the past few years, teach us a very important lesson: If we want to survive, we must learn from nature how to do it, since if we follow our own

AI, Draw the Love between a Flower and a Bee

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There has been a buzz lately about Artificial Intelligence (AI) machines such as Dall-E 2 or Google’s Imagen creating realistic looking images of completely unrealistic scenes by describing the desired image in words. For example, if you want a picture

America’s Division, Not Guns, Is Its Most Dangerous Weapon

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America is once again trying to make sense out of the tragedy of yet another deadly mass school shooting. The lives of 19 children and two teachers were cut short by an 18-year-old gunman who attacked a classroom at Robb