Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Second French Revolution

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To avert the risk of a second Revolution, France’s next president will have to do what currently seems impossible: unite the French people. Faced with constant threats of terrorism and sharp divisions concerning immigration, economy, Frexit and other weighty issues,

What’s Next for France?

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Rifts in French society are growing harder to overcome. Unless treated as opportunities to boost connection, the growing weight will crush them. The ever-present threat of terrorism and the rifts in French society concerning immigration, economy, Frexit, and other weighty

The Holocaust From Memory to Premonition

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The worse we hate each other, the worse the world hates us. If we aren’t living up to our purpose, humanity sees no purpose in our living. Only a few years ago, Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day was a day

Jews Must Unite to Defend the State of Israel

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Just when you think that the reductio ad absurdum has reached its lowest point, it slides a little lower. The recent declaration by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that Israel has no claim on the Temple Mount — shunning its thousands

Hate Crimes in Israel Must Be Held to a Higher Standard

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The recent hate crimes perpetrated by Israeli Jews against Jews and Arabs have opened a bleeding wound in Israeli society. It is not the first time that Israelis have carried out such crimes against Jews or Arabs. In 1983, peace activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered

The Key Role of Jews in The Trump Administration

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If I were Donald Trump, I’d make the Jews see that I expect them to unite, because everything depends on them. The Trump Administration recently launched a website offering Americans an opportunity to share ideas and suggestions “on how the

How Trump Can Drain the Swamp

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So far, Trump’s been a fighter, but draining the swamp and making America great will take a miracle—uniting the “United States.” Some Points to Consider To no one’s surprise, even President Trump’s April 7 missile attack on the Syrian air

Michael Laitman: Uniting The States For A Great America In Trump’s Era

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Trump’s missile attack on Syria has been largely approved, indicating that America wants to reclaim the international watchdog role. But first, Trump must recover the unity of the United States. The Jews in his administration can help him do just

What Should Israel Hope For after the US Elections? Not Much

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With Bernie Sanders’ most recent gaffe that Israel killed “over 10,000 innocent people,” and accusing it of “disproportionate” killing in Gaza during the 2014 Protective Edge campaign, the prospect of a first Jewish president is clearly far less appealing to Israel than

Trumpt Must Initiate Next Stage of ‘America First’ Policy

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The latest terror attacks prove President Trump is on top of things. But if he wants to make America great again, he’ll have to implement the next stage of America First—unite the “United States.” Despite controversy over whether President Donald

Thirty-Five Centuries Later, It’s Still Pharaoh vs. Moses

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From rulers of Egypt we became its slaves because we didn’t want to be Jews—united above hatred. The story of the liberation of the Hebrews from enslavement has captured the imagination of billions of people throughout history. The Exodus has

PASSOVER — A Story of Hebrews Who Wanted to Be Egyptions

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Pharaoh selfishly enslaved the Hebrews; Moses selflessly freed them. The “king” of egoism still enslaves our hearts. To free ourselves from bondage we must free ourselves hating one another. To most of us, the story of our exodus from Egypt