Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why Calling Lorde a ‘Bigot’ Won’t Earn Israel Any PR Points… and What Will

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The full-page Washington Post ad firing back at Lorde for deciding to cancel her Israel concert due to BDS pressure by calling her a “bigot,” and blasting New Zealand at the same time, is not the kind of response that will earn

Why NET Neutrality Was Never Neutral in the First Place

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WHY NET NEUTRALITY WAS NEVER NEUTRAL IN THE FIRST PLACE The moment money became a factor in the Internet’s playing field, it completely lost its neutrality. The behavior of paying various net influencers to advertise whatever advertisers want cancels the

Middle East Drought

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There’s a drought in the Middle East. But Israel, The Startup Nation, seemed to have found a solution for that. While most countries in the region are drying up out of lack of water, Israel is in a more encouraging

What’s Behind the UN Resolution Regarding Jerusalem?

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If the UN General Assembly were to convene today to discuss the establishment of the State of Israel, it is likely that its members would have voted against it, and possibly some would abstain. The time has come to recognize

Trump’s Tax Cut: Will It Trickle?

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President Trump’s tax cuts sparked the expected controversy. Voices from the left are calling it “economic suicide” while those from the right say a “miracle” has happened. But the question that truly matters now is “will it trickle?” To answer

Tax Cuts’ Effects Could ‘Trickle Down’ With Investment in Underclass

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President Trump’s tax cuts sparked the expected controversy. Voices from the left are calling it “economic suicide.” Those on the right say a they are a “miracle.” But the question that truly matters now is “will they trickle?” To answer

Israel Must Be the Beacon of Peace the World Awaits

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Seventy years after the declaration of Israel’s independence warrants a deep look at our current state. Especially since earlier this week a U.S. President suddenly felt compelled to make a statement recognizing Israel’s right to exist.  “It went on and

Beware! These Hanukkah Insights Require Some Mental and Emotional Effort

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As we light candles, eat soufganiyot and spin dreidels this Hanukkah, here’s an infographic to give us deeper insights into the holiday’s customs and concepts. Since Hanukkah discusses the initial entrance into a new, vast reality of positive connection among people, then

Think the war at Hanukkah was between Jews and Greeks? It was between Jews and Jews

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We commonly think of the war at Hanukkah as being between the Maccabees and the Greeks. However, most of the battle was between the Maccabees and the “Mityavnim” (lit. “those who become Greek”). The Mityavnim were Jews who embraced Hellenic culture over their own,

California Wildfires

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California is experiencing its worst fire season to date, as firefighters are struggling to tame unprecedented fires. Unfortunately, such unprecedented disasters have become commonplace this year. And while all this devastation may appear as a random turn of events, in

Jerusalem Must Be a Beacon of Peace With or Without the Embassy

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President Trump, while everyone’s busy worrying about potential ramifications and speculating what will happen as a result of your official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, I care a lot more about a unique opportunity that presents itself

Reaction to Trump’s Speech About Jerusalem

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President Trump, While everyone’s busy worrying about potential ramifications and speculating what will happen as a result of your statement on Jerusalem, I care a lot more about a unique opportunity that presents itself amidst the current state of affairs.