Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Corona Mutual Responsibility

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The coronavirus imposes on us social behaviors we aren’t used to and don’t welcome; it imposes mutual responsibility. In fact, the virus initiated a new phase in our development, and every new phase is better and more evolved than its

Coronavirus Kindness

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First, Coronavirus taught us how beautiful nature can be when we are forced out of it, as images from around the world showed animals strolling in places that were once filled with only one species – humans. Next, Nature Magazine writes that

Coronavirus Society

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World leaders naturally want to restore the kind of civilization we’d had prior to Coronavirus since they were the ones on top. They had power, control, and wealth, so of course they want to restore it. But COVID-19 changed the

A Virus as a Crown in the Kingdom of Anti-Semites

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Besides COVID-19, there is another kind of ruthless contagion around the planet: anti-Semitism. Conspiracy theories and blood libels against Jews are the new, and yet old, epidemic as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The fact that Israel is working

Coronavirus Outburst

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The coronavirus isn’t just another outburst. All over the world, it is forcing us to rethink our way of life. Right now, we’re worried about our livelihood, understandably. But this is just another sign that the COVID-19 crisis isn’t just

Coming Out Of Egypt

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The whole world is coming out of Egypt these days, not just the people of Israel. In the wisdom of Kabbalah, Egypt symbolizes the ego, and through #COVID-19, we are being pulled out of our egoism and into a more inclusive

COVID-19 Buried Capitalism

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On March 20, historian Yuval Noah Harari wrote in the Financial Times that the nature of emergencies is to fast-forward historical processes. True, everything that we have known, our entire civilization, is rapidly falling apart. Most people still hope that once the

Anti-Semitism: The Virus Break Is Over

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Before COVID-19 took over the world by storm, the newspapers were very often focused on the spreading global anti-Semitism. The coronavirus put people on survival mode, and when you’re busy saving your life and the lives of your loved ones,

How a Virus on a Biological Level Emerges as a Result of Exploitative Human Relations

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Due to commenting frequently on the coronavirus outbreak as nature’s response to the egoistic and exploitative way we as a human society had been relating to each other leading up to the pandemic, I was asked by one of my

What are the positive impacts of the COVID-19 crisis?

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Aside from the ecological benefits that the stay-at-home orders spanning the world’s continents have brought about, such as significant drops in pollution and carbon dioxide emissions, another major positive impact is that the COVID-19 crisis put spokes in the wheels

How will society change post-coronavirus crisis?

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I think that we will not rush to malls like we used to, and that we will see the manufacturing-buying-disposal chain as a thing of the past. After having a period to calm down from the consumeristic rat race we

Not End of World; Pointing to Human Advancement

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The global outbreak of one of the worst epidemics in history — the coronavirus, extreme weather phenomena, earthquakes in different parts of the world, are all events that have triggered doomsday predictions and alarm. Convinced that we live in apocalyptic times, some