Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Personal Price of Social Indifference – BizCatalyst

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People today seem to care about almost nothing. We are indifferent to entire sectors of society that are suffering, unless something directly impacts us on a personal level. We watch the news, get upset, and grumble, and that’s the extent of

Is the spiritual world real?

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Over the past 3,500 years, a few hundred books have been written about the spiritual world by great kabbalists who investigated and discovered it. In these books, you will find out how you need to change yourself so that you

How do I find my true self?

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Our substance or matter is a desire to receive pleasure, and our physical body is nothing more than an animal. We sometimes feel our desires through the physical body, i.e., those for food, sex and family, and sometimes through a

No Calamity Comes to the World but for Israel

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“No calamity comes to the world but for Israel.” These poignant words of our sages (Yevamot, 63a) capture the reason for all the tragedies that afflict us. Not only the Talmud warns about the reason for Israel’s blows. The Book

Criticism – a Progeny of the Ego

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To an extent, we’re all critical of others. In fact, criticizing others is a treat few can pass up. Regrettably, criticism is actually our own ego adoring itself. Self-righteousness and righteous indignation give us such a sense of superiority that

What is hate?

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Hatred is everything that doesn’t benefit me. While it is a negative quality, it has a positive aspect because with its help, we can check what we need to change in ourselves. We are surrounded by a humanity, a world

Advancing from Conflict to Conflict

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Last week, a water dispute between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan led to armed clashes that resulted in the death of more than 30 people, scores were injured, and more than 10,000 people had to flee from their homes. Those clashes were

Why There Is Hatred

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Wherever you look there is hatred. It’s no longer a matter of international relations, but within countries, societies seem to be splintering into smaller and smaller pieces, and each piece thinks it’s got a monopoly on the truth, making it

IMF: Covid Scars the Vulnerable the Most

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On the homepage of its website, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) writes that it is “an organization of 190 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and

What are some ways to end child abuse?

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The ultimate solution to end child abuse is the same solution to end all of our problems in our time: to work on our connections so that they become positive, and that we will prioritize concern for others over self-concern.

Who Comes to Study

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People often ask me who is the most likely person to become a Kabbalah student, and why some people take interest in it, and some do not, or even reject it. Well, the first thing I mention are the known

Why is there antisemitism? Do not bring up Israel, because antisemitism existed 2000 years before Israel was born.

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Without antisemitism, there would be no Jews. Hatred and pressure on the Jews has kept them united. They have no instinctive will to unite, but the forces of nature pressure Jewish unity through seeming negative antisemitic forces, and it is