Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Case for Indecision

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Persian astronomer and poet Omar Khayyam was an artist at expressing indecision. In one his rubaiyats (four-line poems) he wrote: One hand with Quran, one with wine-cup dight, I half incline to wrong, and half to right; The azure-marbled sky

What is thought?

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Thought is the greatest force in nature. It operates above time and space. Thought is the highest force of human nature. In kabbalistic texts, it is written that “all is clarified in thought.” Thoughts come from the thought of creation,

How would you describe a divine experience?

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First of all, a divine experience is not a mystical or religious experience. A divine experience takes place when we connect with each other and sense the general system of nature. It is an experience in which we feel the

Protestant Americans Becoming Unaffiliated Is Not Good News for America

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According to a recently published Pew research, in 2007, 78% of Americans identified as Christians. Now, in 2021, that number is down to 63%. At the same time, the share of Americans who identify as having no religion (nones) went

Redefining Progress

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This Saturday, NASA is planning to launch its much-awaited next-generation space telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope. The telescope, which has been in the making for decades, is the most complex space science observatory ever built. According to NASA, “Webb

What is a spiritual journey like?

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We have the ability to rise to a level where we can see the origin of our experiences and observe life from a different vantage point. What is this new perspective we can reach? It is one where we attribute

How do we change our perception of life to become happier?

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We first need to understand how we perceive life, which is through a lens of self-concern. We do not perceive life as is, but we have five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste, five openings through which we

Israel’s Hopeless Fight against Terrorism

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Recently, we learned that the US government and the Palestinian Authority have resumed their economic talks after a five-year hiatus. According to the State Department, the talks will revolve around infrastructure development, access to US markets, US regulations, free trade,

Israel’s Most Effective Weapon against Iran

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“It seems that the Zionist regime has forgotten that Iran is more than capable of hitting it from anywhere,” the Tehran Times recently opened its front-page article with a map of targets against Israel covering virtually the entire territory of

An Israel that the World Would Love

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Among the many divisions that plague the Israeli society, one of the fiercest is the dispute between those who want to define Israel as a nation state for all its citizens and those who want to define it as the

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

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We live in times of great change. Today’s world has become more interconnected and interdependent than ever before, and in order for us to adapt to such changes, we need to broaden our hearts—not physically, but emotionally. We need to

What is up with all the violence today?

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Today’s society has become very individualistic. One phenomenon in relation to today’s society is that in the past, we had more of a sense of belonging to the family, and we were enveloped in a certain kind of calmness, we