Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Where’s the Magic that Makes Life Good

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Over the past weeks, a strange story has been running through media outlets from the Wall Street Journal to the New York Post and other news outlets in the US, the UK, and Europe, that Scotland is set to officially

Propagate Sex Change to Schoolchildren? Absolutely Not!

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I was asked about my position on the issue of propagating the legitimacy of children going through the process of changing their sex. In North America, I was told, this is one of the most contentious topics. So, in short,

A Systemic Problem of Depression Requires a Systemic Solution

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Depression has been a growing problem throughout the industrialized world for several decades, but it has skyrocketed since the onset of the pandemic. Death rates from substance abuse, suicide, and gun violence have skyrocketed, anxiety has become a major problem,

Texas Synagogue Siege: Still Something to Pray For

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Explosions and gunfire were heard before the 10-hour hostage ordeal at Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas ended. Four hostages were released unharmed in yet another attack by a gunman on an American synagogue, which is happening with greater frequency

How can love be defined spiritually?

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Spiritual love is a state where we view humanity as a single united whole, which we love. It is because, through such an attitude to a common unified image of humanity, we discover revelation of—and adhesion to—the Creator. The Creator

Anti-Work Movement Should Be Pro-Purpose

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Over the past year, the anti-work movement, which began in 2013, has been gaining traction. Last year, it grew from 700,000 people to 1.6 million. However, its slogan, “Unemployment for all, not just the rich!” will not create a better

Others’ Disabilities Are an Opportunity for Us to Rise

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Not long ago, there was a story in the press about a disabled twelve-year-old boy whose class went on a hiking trip. The boy thought he’d have to miss the excursion and was very sad about it, but his classmates

How do I love others as myself?

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We know what we want to receive for ourselves. That should be the same as what we want to give to others. We should thus remember that loving others first and foremost means treating others as we treat ourselves. Of

When will the world become disease free?

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It is impossible to rid ourselves of disease without correcting our egoistic attitudes to each other. Diseases are demonstrations of our inner egoistic attitudes toward each other, which are our very nature that we cannot escape. In other words, diseases

Joint Statement on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races Is Empty Words

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On January 3, the US, China, Russia, the UK, and France signed a statement that they will “consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities.” The powers agreed that “a

What Einstein Knew and Jews Refuse to Acknowledge

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“We have no other means of self-defense than our solidarity,” wrote physicist Albert Einstein in a letter to a NY Jewish philanthropist in June 1939, to express gratitude for his help to Jewish refugees who had managed to escape from

Will the recent UN resolutions regarding Israel increase antisemitism throughout the world?

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I think that the UN resolutions regarding Israel have no impact on the rise of antisemitism. Antisemitism is a phenomenon that unfolds according to the law of nature, which is a law of interconnection and interdependence. The more humanity develops,