Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Why is the USA so polarized?

The increasing polarization we see in the US today starts from people naturally possessing different inclinations. That is, just as we each share different physiological characteristics from birth, we also share different inborn psychological characteristics, which include our political orientations.

The Wounded American Democracy

A turbulent presidential race in the US was supposed to end with the elections, but in fact, the political scenario is far from calm and quiet. While half of America claims victory and vigorously celebrates, the other half feels betrayed,

The True Meaning of Tolerance

Which does this world resemble more, a peaceful garden or a jungle with wild predators devouring each other? Most likely the latter. At the same time clashes and division are rampant in the United States as well as the rest

It Takes Two to Disagree

November 16 is the International Day for Tolerance. It seems as though a day of tolerance has never been more apropos. At the same time, with politicians and journalists openly calling to remove dissenters from society and even to “burn

A Time for Tolerance: It Takes Two to Disagree- Newsmax

November 16 is the International Day for Tolerance. It seems as though a day of tolerance has never been more apropos. At the same time, with politicians and journalists openly calling to remove dissenters from society and even to “burn

What Intolerance Means for the Jews

November 16 is the International Day for Tolerance. If I were asked to give a fitting title to 2020, I’d call it the year of intolerance. But I won’t, since I know that tomorrow we’ll be even more intolerant. Many

How can we bridge the political divide in America?

Bridging the divide in America requires everyone feeling considered and represented, and not like it is in the current state, where roughly half of the country celebrates victory, and the other half feels deceived and embittered. People of all political

The True Meaning of Tolerance – BIZCATALYST

Which does this world resemble more, a peaceful garden or a jungle with wild predators devouring each other? Most likely the latter. At the same time clashes and division are rampant in the United States as well as the rest

The Pandemic Antisemites Call Israel – NEWSMAX

People react to what hurts them the most and antisemites are no exception. A global response to the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to wreak havoc with more than 50 million cases worldwide, apparently is not the priority for the U.N.’s

Why I Care (and Write) about the World

Recently, I have received some questions about my interest in “worldly” matters. These readers seem to believe that kabbalists should take no interest in the material world and current affairs. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Kabbalists care

What is freedom of speech and what are the limits of free speech?

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression definitely require limits. The first limit is that we should not hurt or offend anyone. Causing no harm to others should act as an inbuilt “constitution” that first and foremost determines the limits

The Chance We Were Given Today, 73 Years Ago

On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a resolution, which adopted the plan for the partition of Palestine, which paved the way for the establishment of the State of Israel. For the Jewish refugees from