Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Is the World Getting Worse or Is It Only Our Perception?

If we follow the news today, we see a world about to collapse, as if we were experiencing the worst time ever. Therefore, we are able to believe that our grandparents were right, longing for “the good old days.” Grim

What do you think about the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

I think that it is a childish initiative, but let them try. It is childish because it fails to account for the root cause of everything that makes life on this planet unsustainable, and how to correct the problems and

The Age of Togetherness

Why does it feel more and more like humanity is the bully in the neighborhood? Between nations, in personal relationships, with coworkers, among peers at school, and toward nature, we are as clumsy as an elephant in a china store,

On Righteousness and Being Righteous

Sadio Mane, one of Liverpool Football [soccer] Club’s top players and top earners, with a salary of £150,000 per week, was spotted carrying an iPhone with a broken screen before a game. When asked about it, he said, “Why would

Don’t Panic, There Is Money Behind It

A new TV series in Israel, titled 𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐, examines if Israel is prepared for events of mass destruction such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or a leak of poisonous gas. Not surprisingly, the series concludes that Israel is unprepared for any

Connection Begins with Respect

Gil Tamary is a well-known Israeli journalist. A few weeks ago, he sneaked into Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, defying an entry ban on non-Muslims. The stunt made the Saudis so angry that they tracked down and arrested the man who

What are the full implications of “Deepfake”?

While there is a lot of anxiety regarding the implications of deepfake technology, I think that it could help correct the world. Deepfake could help bring us closer to the truth, prompting us to outsmart the phenomena that we create

Poison Rain, the New Reality

A wave of studies released this month declare that we have polluted the air to the point where even rain has become poisonous. Moreover, these studies “argue [that] the presence of forever chemicals in our hydrosphere [is] at values that

The Hidden Cause Behind England’s Water Shortage

Despite the recent torrents in London, this summer, England has been experiencing a serious drought. But not only England, most, if not all of Europe has been experiencing a sweltering summer with gigantic forest fires that have consumed countless homes

Mikhail Gorbachev – a Personal Impression

The passing of Mikhail Gorbachev reminded me of a brief conversation I had had with him. Even before I met him, I had the impression that he was truly a different kind of politician. He was not inherently bad; he

Quiet Quitting – a Step toward a Better Balance

The signs have been there for a long time, but the lockdowns have given them a major boost. Now, “quiet quitting” is a major problem for employers, especially since many people still work from home, blurring the boundary between work

I Trust Liz Truss Will Be a Good Prime Minister

Yesterday, September 6, 2022, Mary Elizabeth Truss, aka Liz Truss, was inaugurated as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the third female prime minister in Britain. She begins her term at a challenging time for the UK. The British Chamber