Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Hate Crimes in Israel Must Be Held to a Higher Standard

The recent hate crimes perpetrated by Israeli Jews against Jews and Arabs have opened a bleeding wound in Israeli society. It is not the first time that Israelis have carried out such crimes against Jews or Arabs. In 1983, peace activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered

Jews Must Unite to Defend the State of Israel

Just when you think that the reductio ad absurdum has reached its lowest point, it slides a little lower. The recent declaration by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that Israel has no claim on the Temple Mount — shunning its thousands

The Holocaust From Memory to Premonition

The worse we hate each other, the worse the world hates us. If we aren’t living up to our purpose, humanity sees no purpose in our living. Only a few years ago, Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day was a day

Independence Means Independence From Mutual Hatred

The only form of independence for Israel is when we lay down our arms against each other. Then we can truly celebrate. Every Independence Day, I remember that special Shabbat knife that my teacher’s father, Rav Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam),

Comment: Is Judaism Racism?

Through their unity or lack thereof, the Jews determine whether hatred or love of others will prevail the world over, and the world relates to them accordingly. Just recently, Thomas Lopez-Pierre, who is bidding for a seat in the NYC

What This Means for Jews When Austria’s President Says All Women Will Wear Headscarves

When he was elected as Austria’s president, by a margin of less than one percentage point, Mr. Alexander Van Der Bellen declared, “I will be a pro-European president of Austria open to the world.” Last week, Mr. Van Der Bellen

The Fire of Hatred, the Fire of Love

Lag BaOmer marks the emergence of the light of unity in The Book of Zohar. It is a call to unite “as one man with one heart.” Every year there is the “Lag BaOmer craze,” when children and youth throughout

The Israeli Campfire

Lag Ba’omer celebrates the emergence of the immense light of unity through ‘The Book of Zohar.’ It is a calling for us to begin this journey toward being “as one man with one heart.” Once a year, children and youth

It’s Time to Debunk Misconceptions About the Torah

“Love your neighbor as yourself” is the whole of the Torah. We have forgotten this and instead treat letters as totems. Next week we will celebrate Shavuot, the festival of the giving of the Torah. To non-observing Jews, the height

Things That You’re Liable to Read in the Torah – They Ain’t Necessarily So

Nothing is more valuable than the Torah. Why then have we forgotten that the Torah has nothing to do with meaningless words in printed books, and everything to do with unity? It ain’t necessarily so,” sang Sportin’ Life in the

What Our Ancestors Knew That We Don’t, and Why This Is Important Especially Today

Precisely 50 days after their exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel achieved the level of complete unity and became “as one man with one heart.” In consequence, they received the Torah. Since then, no enemy has ever defeated the

Michael Laitman: What Our Ancestors Knew That We Don’t, And Why This Is Important Especially Today

Precisely 50 days after their exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel achieved the level of complete unity and became “as one man with one heart.” In consequence, they received the Torah. Since then, no enemy has ever defeated the