Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The “Holier Than Thou” Mantle Won’t Help Jews

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Just recently, following the outbreak of yet another round of violence between Hamas controlled Gaza and Israel, a group of 250 odd Jewish employees of Google signed a letter urging its CEO to recognize “the harm done to Palestinians by

How can we save the world from war and establish peace?

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Humanity idealizes peace, but in practice, we are far from establishing peace. From our experience in over thousands of years of development, we see how unrealistic it is to seek peace between nations and societies. On the contrary, the more

No Ceasefire Will Put Out the Flames of Hatred Between Us

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There is never a dull moment for Israel. Even though a ceasefire is the talk of the day, the public has no confidence that the heavy barrages will come to a halt for long. Threats persist in both the south

The Daggers in Our Tongues Are killing Us

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We shouldn’t be surprised that while we are approaching the conclusion of Operation Guardian of the Walls in the south, a new front is gradually being opened in the north. We may not like it, and Hezbollah and Hamas are

Why Connection Matters

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In March 2009, in the wake of the Great Recession financial crisis, economist Mark Vitner offered the Associated Press a tactile description of humanity’s inescapable interconnectedness: “It’s like trying to unscramble scrambled eggs. It just can’t be done that easily.

Who is at wrong, and right, about the Israel- Palestine conflict? Is it much more complex?

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The solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict lies in the hands of the people of Israel. In order to understand how the people of Israel hold the solution to this ongoing conflict, we need to understand their role, and the feedback

(Our Women) Guardian of the Walls

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On the frontline fighting terrorists, on the streets facing rioters with guns and Molotov cocktails, and in the bomb shelters with our children, women are the inadvertent guardians of the walls. They are anxious about their children and their husbands;

Why are the Jews ( and Israel) hated so disproportionately throughout human history?

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If we would not have been hated disproportionately throughout history, then we would not exist. Hatred toward us has been our key unifying factor. We have no natural will to unite, but nature’s forces act in order to unite us,

Britain’s Jews Have Nowhere to Turn But to Each Other

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Since the beginning of the current campaign between Hamas and Islamic Jihad and Israel, there has been an alarming spike in hostilities against Jews. According to The New York Times, the Community Security Trust, which records antisemitic threats, saw a

Shavuot: Light in the Midst of Chaos

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The Jewish holiday of Shavuot, the celebration for the giving of the Torah, has a special meaning this year. While Israeli society is under missile attacks, there is no festive atmosphere. It is a time to make a seminal decision

What happens on Shavuot?

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On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of the Torah. It is the day when those called “Israel,” i.e., those who are directed “straight to God” (i.e. “Israel” comes from the words “Yashar Kel” [“straight to God”]), were given the Torah—the

Coexistence with Arabs? We Can’t Even Exist with One Another!

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The current wave of violence has exposed the fact that the coexistence between Arabs and Israelis within Israel was an illusion. There were economic benefits that both sides enjoyed, but the hatred has festered all those years until a trigger