Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How can architecture better serve the social, economic, political and environmental concerns of our present and future?

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The effectiveness of architecture, as with any other art, science and technology that we have developed, depends exclusively on the intention that we apply to its use. It is not arts, sciences or technologies themselves that are good or bad.

Could the Middle-East Drown in Water-Wars?

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Global warming, back-to-back years of drought, and absence of investments in water saving and desalination technologies are pushing the already tense international relations in the Middle-East to the point of breakdown. If the water crisis continues, it will not be

Is science 100% objective?

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Science is not objective. Science is objective only to the degree that our five senses, in which we perceive the world, are objective and independent. We do not know the world outside of us. We feel only what enters inside

The Israeli Covid Hubris

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There is a famous anecdote that once, when President Richard Nixon met with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, he confessed in a moment of candor that it was complicated governing 200 million Americans. To this, she replied, “You may have

What kind of genetic engineering should be allowed to correct defects and imperfections?

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We cannot stop development. Everything that can be used for humanity’s benefit, in order to feed and deliver food to the most distant places with the smallest losses, should be developed. Any prohibitions that we enact on genetic engineering will

Time to Shift from InterNet to InnerNet

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It’s been a little over thirty years since the internet has been made available for everyone. It has already been said that since the invention of the wheel, no technology has revolutionized our lives so fast and so profoundly like

Slaves of Our Own Fears

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What makes a person a slave? A chain around someone’s neck tied to the individual’s owner? Not only. Even those who work in prestigious jobs in luxurious towers with comfortable accessories scattered around them are slaves, only in gold cages.

Have humans been domesticated?

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We are in a developmental process that is driven by a constantly-growing human ego, which will never let us remain pacified and calm. It will lead us to such disasters and suffering that after the ego’s development, we will have

The Old World Is Dying and a New One Is Born

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Every summer (for some reason it is more turbulent than the winter) we feel that things are getting worse—that the fires are worse, floods are worse, and man-made crises are also getting worse. Every summer, we are correct. The difference

As Desires Change So Do Our Brains

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The human body is not fundamentally different from that of other mammals, and certainly not from that of other apes. Yet hominids, the type of apes that evolved into the homo sapiens, have kept evolving to the point where we

Migration Is No Solution

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A heart-rending picture of a baby being handed over from its parents to US troops (but has since been reunited with its father), Airbnb offering to house 20,000 Afghan refugees at no charge, Europe fearing another wave of migration from

Afghanistan’s Pandora Box for Mass Migration

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Six years have passed since Europe faced one of the worst refugee crises the continent remembers. Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, shockwaves resonate throughout all of Europe as countries grapple with how to handle the arrival of the thousands