Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Babylon under the American Flag

America has everything: socialists, communists, capitalists, starving people without a roof over their heads, and billionaires who own mansions throughout the world. America also has huge social gaps, and with the coronavirus and the anti-racism riots, troubles are inundating America

Is Anti-Semitism Racism? Depends Who You Ask

Read this Jerusalem Post headline carefully: “Anti-racism protesters in Paris yell ‘dirty Jews’ at counter-protesters.” That’s correct: the demonstration was against racism, and the demonstrators cursed a counter demonstration by yelling them, “Dirty Jews.” Put simply, in the eyes of

Surfing the Pandemic Waves

Public discourse now speaks of a second wave of COVID-19 when the first one is far from over. Just when we thought the epidemic was under control, the opening of the economy has brought new contagion outbreaks around the world.

The COVID-19 Symptom Reserved for Jews

As early as March 14, Eric Cortellessa wrote on The Times of Israel that as the coronavirus spreads across the globe, “a new conspiracy theory has been brewing on the fringes of society: The Jews are behind it.” By March 31, it was no

Do Not Fight Against Racism, Embrace Races

There has always been hatred in the world, but there hasn’t always been racism. Today, as the question of racism and race equality becomes increasingly prominent, it is easy to see its destructive potential. To avoid declining into extreme violence,

Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused any increase in anti-Semitism, with some people blaming Jews/Israel/Mossad for releasing the virus?

The websites Israellycool and Ynetnews documented multiple posts on social media showing blame of Jews for the coronavirus. Ynetnews published its findings just 18 days after the Israellycool post, and it showed a significantly larger amount of anti-Semitic posts added in that short timeframe.

Why All the Hate?

Wherever we look these days, it seems like hate is engulfing the world. It’s not as though there was no hate before, but in recent months, it seems like there is no escape from it. On the one hand, hate

On anti-Semitism and pandemics

Be it a plague or a war, a flood or an earthquake, a revolution or a financial meltdown, in the end, there is always one culprit – the Jews. In America, too, many already blame COVID-19 on the Jews, as is the case

The Benefits of Diversity

It is written in the Mishnah (Sotah, 9:15) that at the end of days, hatred will soar. Judging by what is happening today, we’re nearing the end of days. Never has so much hatred been spewed on social media, newspapers,

The Benefits of Diversity- Times of Israel

It is written in the Mishnah (Sotah, 9:15) that at the end of days, hatred will soar. Judging by what is happening today, we’re nearing the end of days. Never has so much hatred been spewed on social media, newspapers,

Antisemitism and Pandemics

Be it a plague or a war, a flood or an earthquake, a revolution or a financial meltdown, in the end, there is always one culprit: the Jews.  In America, too, many already blame COVID-19 on the Jews, as is

The Greatest Danger to the Jewish People

The longer the pandemic lingers, the more the world will turn a blaming eye toward us, the Jews. Anytime affliction grows around the world, it directs its anger at the Jews. A few days ago, far-right white nationalist Canadian politician