Dr. Michael Laitman Promjena svijeta – Promjena čovjeka

Global Laws of Interdependency

While we have become globally interdependent, the mindset of self-centeredness still constitutes the predominant paradigm. Our interdependence has become a fact of life. But we, our way of thinking and our values, are still locked in the old paradigm. Therefore,

Global Laws of Success

In a social system, an individual’s success is motivated and measured by society. The individual is constantly working to fulfill the goals of society. Being unaware of this dynamic, the individual attributes accomplishments to oneself. This egoistic perception isolates individuals

Law of Purpose

All actions and thoughts of an individual contribute to the whole system. When a person is unaware of their effect on the system, they automatically act with an egoistic intention. When these intentions combine, they are naturally in conflict.

The Global Law of Necessity and Surplus

A human being’s desires can only be fulfilled according to their natural purpose. An individual has physical desires, and social desires. The physical desires can be fulfilled by the individual and their purpose is survival. While social desires can only

Global Laws of Motivation

Humans are naturally motivated to seek lasting pleasure. However when their desire meets the pleasure, their desire is gradually extinguished. The resulting emptiness motivates the individual to once again seek fulfillment. Thus creating an endless cycle of fleeting pleasures.