Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How do developing countries become developed?

We can develop each nation beneficially by developing education that is inherent to all people in the world, such that the development and the culture will correspond to the nature of the nation.

We need to understand that, in general, there are 70 nations of the world, and they are all different. Analogously to the body’s organs, these nations are obligated to complement one another. Therefore, if we will express an equal and benevolent attitude toward everyone, and one that conforms to the nature of each, we will then see that they can create and add a wonderful contribution to humanity. Then, we will extract the maximal benefit out of each nation. It all depends on having a kind and sincere attitude toward each on so that it would be able to serve humanity precisely to the degree that corresponds to it.

We need to understand that nature divides among the nations and countries in such a way that leads us to the state where we each complement the others. As a result, we can find ourselves in an equal and perfect world, where each person complements the others and achieves global harmony.

We will then merit seeing that each nation plays a wonderful role in humanity. It is only thanks to mutual complementarity that we can merit perfect life throughout humanity—in love, perfection, respect and esteem for everyone.

Firstly, we need to reveal that every nation has its own place, similar to how bodily organs have their places. Until we see the unique necessity of each nation, we will be unable to value and elevate it to our own distinctive realization.

Based on a Q&A with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 9, 2006. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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