Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Need a Job? Consider Being a Connection Coach

There used to be liftmen who would press the right button for you. And before there were refrigerators, there were icemen who would cut large blocks of ice and deliver them to customers. The world of work is in constant evolution, and these days faster than ever. Now, thanks to the coronavirus, it has accelerated from very fast, and accelerating, to virtually immediate.

Humanity has reached a phase of transformation from a self-centered mindset to a collaborative mindset, and those who will help others into it will be the happiest and busiest people in the world.

Everything that is not essential business is struggling or already in various stages of elimination. COVID-19 has shocked people to the point where they either lost the drive to shop or are forced to save what they can because they’ve lost their jobs.

Yet, a bit like the end of the dinosaur era, the demise of antiquated “species” gives rise to new ones. It may be hard to conceive, but this process is already happening. A slew of new professions is in the making, and most of them will all belong to one area: human connections.

We’ve dealt before with mental illnesses, ADHD, and various forms of behavioral anomalies. We’ve hopelessly dealt with mending broken relationships and futilely fought against bullying. But these are not the trades that will emerge tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s experts in human connections will be people who are savvy in the rules of the emerging civilization: a humanity whose people are all connected and dependent on each other. We’ve never felt accountable for all of humanity, but today we can settle for nothing less, and learning how to do this successfully requires knowledge and skills.

Coachers in human connection will be people who know how to take a group of ten or so complete strangers, who feel no affinity toward each other, and sometimes the opposite, and turn them into best friends within an hour. These coachers, who will practice Integral Education (IE), will know how to help people feel comfortable, accepted, and able to fully express themselves without jeopardizing everybody else’s ability or desire to do the same.

People who will participate in these trainings will find that if you want to realize your full potential, you will be able to do it only if you operate alongside other people, each of whom contributes their utmost to the success of a common goal: the unity of the group.

Sports teams know that if you want to be a champion, you have to sacrifice yourself for the good of the team. IE is different. You don’t sacrifice anything, and you always receive ten times more than what you gave. And the best part about it is that there are no losers in IE; everybody wins since unity is achieved only when everyone wants everyone else to succeed.

We’ve never tried this approach among us, but now we have no choice. Humanity has reached a phase of transformation from a self-centered mindset to a collaborative mindset, and those who will help others into it will be the happiest and busiest people in the world.

Download the connection method – bit.ly/CompletingTheCirclePDF

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