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Human relationships define every level of nature: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. It is most evident in highly developed countries, as their actions influence relationships across the globe, even in less developed nations. If we first establish harmony in our relationships with one another, we will naturally bring balance to all other systems of nature. However, if we fail to harmonize our relationships, nature will spiral out of control. This imbalance will lead to unpredictable mutations and problems, including animals becoming increasingly wild and dangerous.
If human relationships regress to more beastly, primitive levels, nature would mirror that degradation. Animals would become so wild that we could not even imagine their behavior. In extreme cases, it is possible that we could see the reappearance of creatures like dinosaurs, if our relationships devolved to the level that existed during those ancient times. Such transformations would require no special geological shifts—nature simply reflects the state of humanity back to us.
The savagery of humanity could grow so extreme that nature itself might begin to hate us because of our hatred for one another. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that only by improving human connections and relationships can we restore balance to the natural world. Our actions ripple outward, shaping all levels of existence.
This dynamic explains that we can regress into situations that took place in the past through our degradation to increasingly primitive relationships among each other. Likewise, we can impact a positive shift forward into the future if we develop in a direction of establishing positive human connections.
Nature will not let us continue progressing as we do today. Our good future demands that we transform ourselves and our connections to align with the integral system of nature. By achieving harmony in our relationships with each other, we can make the progress and further development that we need as human beings.
Our good future depends on our ability to develop positive connections above the rising tide of our egoistic nature that resists such a connection. Through such an aim, we can ensure that humanity evolves in alignment with nature’s interconnectedness, interdependence, and integrality, thereby bringing humanity to a harmonious and peaceful state, in balance with nature.
Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 7, 2018. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
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