Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

No One Wants War, but Are We Always Fighting

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A few days ago, Norma Livne, the host of the show El Mundo (“The World”), dedicated one of the shows to answering questions from my students. One of the questions was about the war in Europe. More precisely, the question

Why does the Torah have so many strange prohibitions like eating shellfish or wearing masked fabrics?

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First, it is important to understand that the Torah does not describe our world. The Torah is called “sanctity,” which in Hebrew means something different and separate to our world. It explains spiritual laws of the higher spiritual world, and

How does studying Torah change a person?

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The purpose of the Torah is to invert a person from the state he is in on the animate degree, called “beast,” to what is called “Adam” in Hebrew, which means “human being.” “Adam” comes from the same linguistic root

The Left Has Left

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If you look at the leaders who founded the State of Israel, you will find that most of them were socialists, Zionists who strove to implement the socialist ideology of the Left in the fledgling Jewish state. David Ben-Gurion, Chaim

What does the Sabbath mean to you?

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The Sabbath is the state of the end of correction of the ego, the peak of our development where everything functions in an ideal manner, solely in a direction of bestowal, giving, fulfilling and loving others. The prohibitions on the

Who’s a Beauty Queen?

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For the first time since 1950, there will be no Miss Israel beauty pageant in Israel, and Israel will not send a contestant to the Miss Universe contest that will take place in the United States in January. According to

What are the things that are prohibited in the Torah?

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Prohibitions in the Torah relate to our inability to use our ego—the desire for benefiting ourselves at the expense of others and nature—in the variety of ways it can be used, when we are in a spiritual connection. The most

The UN May Declare, But Only We Determine

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On November 11, the United Nations’ Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) approved six draft resolutions, one of which will “request an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” According to

Israel – A World Leader in the Wrong Expertise

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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become essential components in the battlefield. In Ukraine, both sides use them extensively to attack and for surveillance, and the US, Turkey, Israel, and other countries have been using them for military assignments. Terror groups,

What advice do you have for a mother who feels like she is losing her son?

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I received the following letter from a worried mother who felt like she was losing her son: “Hello, Dr. Laitman. I’m a worried mom. I feel like I’m losing my son. I raised two children. The young one I pampered and

What does Jordan B. Peterson think about Israel?

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Jordan Peterson stated on his visit to Jerusalem that Israeli people “have a tremendous moral responsibility,” and continued… “like you have, perhaps, for your entire history, for reasons that are very difficult to understand, and I think it is true, in some

The Meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Prisoner from Siberia Who Suddenly Knew Hebrew

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Many years ago, not long after I had begun to study the wisdom of Kabbalah with my teacher, RABASH (Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag), I received a letter from a man who was imprisoned in a penitentiary facility in Siberia. Back